Las morenas son especies fascinantes; tienen un cuerpo alargado y flexible, capaz de adentrarse en las grietas mas estrechas del arrecife. Los productores de la pelicúla "Alien VS Predator" se inspiraron en su doble mandibula. Cuando una morena atrapa a su presa con la boca se acaba el juego, ya que es capaz de devorarla internamente con su segunda mandíbula, tal y como muestra la imagen como ejemplo.
Esta morena en particular es residente del mar de Andaman, fotografiada durante un buceo cerca del ocaso. ¿Estaría espiándome para Ursula?
------ENGMoray eels are fascinating species; they have an elongated and flexible bodies, capable of penetrating the narrowest cracks of the reef. The producers of the movie "Alien VS Predator" were inspired by its double jaw. When a moray eel catches its prey with its mouth it's game over, since it is capable of internally devouring it with its second jaw, as shown in the image as an example.
This particular moray eel is a resident of the Andaman Sea, photographed during a dive near sunset. Was she spying on me for Ursula?