Las tortugas son el grupo de reptiles más antiguo que existe actualmente. Esta en particular es una tortuga verde hembra que habita en Shark bay, en la isla Tailandesa de Koh Tao. Con un poco de paciencia es relativamente fácil encontrarla y poder disfrutar observándola. Desafortunadamente recibe constantes visitas de grandes grupos de turistas, que se apresuran para poder tocarla, estresándola e impidiendo que salga a superficie para respirar. Una imagen así solo se consigue ganando su confianza poco a poco.
------ENGTurtles are the oldest group of reptiles in existence today. This in particular is a green female turtle that lives in Shark bay, on the Thai island of Koh Tao. With a little patience it's relatively easy to find her and enjoy observing her behaviour. Unfortunately she receives constant visits from large groups of tourists, who rush to touch her, stressing her and preventing her from surfacing to breathe. Such an image is only achieved by gaining their trust little by little.